Sunday, September 9, 2012

5 Minutes Challenge

Here's the deal.
Time slips by us like crazy only if you let it. You can do a lot in 5 minutes. One minute we are doing one thing, the next minute we are doing something else. Most of our time is spent in useless activities. Most people don’t know what they are capable of doing in 5 minutes. Let’s analyze!

Step 1: Pick a Goal.
Let’s pick a goal to achieve in the next 5 minutes.

Step 2: Set a Timer.
Don’t forget to set the timer and put it on 5 minutes. Follow it if you are sitting in an examination room. (I use my iPhone!)

Step 3: Begin

Now see what you are capable of. You’ll achieve towards your goal in the next 5 minutes which you might not do in an hour, I bet. My goal was to write this post and I did it 1 and a half minute before. So now I decide to go above and beyond and share it here.
See how much you can achieve towards your goal within the set amount of time (5 minutes). For example, I told myself I would write this entire post in 5 minutes, so prior to starting, I set my timer, then began my challenge.
Once we go Above and Beyond, we can achieve greater results which include pushing the current goal further. This only happens as a result of spending time in doing right thing at the right time. In other words we can call it setting and achieving goals.
Stephen R. Covey, in his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, defines it with the help of four quadrants of time management.  If we don’t spend time in quadrant 2 activities then we are supposed to waste our time on useless activities.   

So what's your next 5 minutes goal?

Time's up.

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